Thursday, May 20, 2010

Sound familiar?

Another example from the political world should teach Christians something.

It DOES matter whether what you say is true or false!

See Richard Blumenthal

Either you were in Vietnam or you were not. To say that you were, more than once, when you were not is not to misspeak, it is a lie.

Either you grew up in Turkey or you did not.

Same thing.

And yet, Richard Blumenthal is addressing the issue more quickly than a Christian seminary president.


  1. What you are stating is true but keep in mind that the event becomes cheapened even more so if the the camp making hay over the matter is just as slimy.

  2. Agreed. This is especially true in the political world. When a Republican slips up, the Democrats pounce and other Republicans defend, simply because they are, too, Republicans.

    When a Democrat slips up, Republicans pounce, other Democrats defend.

    What should be the case is when something is wrong, Dem or Rep, Christian or unbeliever, the wrong should be held accountable by the Good on both sides.
