Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Seminary President Better At Politics Than Politician

You can check out the whole article, but I will just show the similarities between the Ergun Caner cover-up and this one.

The article reads:
"Since McKenna's report went out last week, Vaughn has gone step-by-step through the political crisis playbook. His first step was to deny, deny, deny. The delegate insisted to McKenna that he was signed as a free agent in 1980, despite evidence to the contrary. A single, ambiguous newspaper clipping was his only proof."

#1: Deny, using weak counter evidence- been there done that.

"Next up was the tried and true method of distraction with inconsequential facts. Vaughn said he was a member of the NFL Players Alumni Association, a group whose eligibility requirements seem to be only that you have a working credit card. If you'd like, you can join too for $150. "

#2: Distraction- Misstatements, "Their evidence proves I was a Muslim!"- been there done that

"Then Vaughn tried to blame the issue on someone else (the webmaster who made his site), pulled the offending sentence (he says he removed it immediately; McKenna claims he waited six days), released a damage control statement blasting the City Paper's report (it was "unresearched (sic) and inaccurate"), basically blamed the media for all of society's ills ("this incident demonstrates the growing problem that we have in the 24/7 media culture") and, finally, vowed to "explore" how the error was made in the first place. "

#3: Have we heard it is an EXTREME Muslim and EXTREME Calvinist plot?- been there done that too --Didn't we also hear this from supporters? Tim Guthrie.

"But if the report was "unresearched and inaccurate," then what's he exploring? "

#4: Hasn't he already apologized? But he is also innocent, isn't he?

"And why did he take the sentence about playing for the Cowboys off his bio? "

#5: What happened to the debates all over the place?

"Either McKenna is right and Vaughn didn't play for them or the bio was right and Vaughn did. "

#6: Border of Iraq or Ohio? Training centers, where?

"Later on Vaughn admitted he didn't play for three years but that he practiced with the team for five months, yet he's still exploring something. The delegate doth protest too much methinks.
There hasn't been any political fallout yet in Vaughn's district, possibly because the story hasn't gained enough traction with major media outlets or possibly because voters are satisfied with the delegate's performance and don't care about a white lie on a website. That's what makes Vaughn's reaction so bizarre; if he had removed the Cowboys blurb and moved on, nobody would be talking about it. By extending the story, he's running the risk of having more of his constituents hear about his penchant for tall tales. "

#7: Had Ergun Caner truly confessed and repented, it would be over.

"We've gotten away from the most important question though, which is why someone would lie about playing for the Cowboys, especially in the D.C. area? ... Or putting an easily disputed fact on your website and getting into a fight with the media four months before an election. In other words, not too smart. "

#8: Exactly, did Ergun not think anyone would check his facts?

The similarities are striking.

May God bring this to a close.

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